Journaling Workshops
Reading this page about Journaling Workshops indicates that you’re interested in dedicating the time to find the cognitive and physical space to gather with others; you’re also curious enough to learn about concepts to help focus and create something new. You don't need to be an artist or a writer. You don't have to wear your heart on your sleeve for this; curiosity, kindness and openness are all that is needed. You can contact me if you’re interested in attending an in-person workshop of retreat.
Week 1
COLLAGE JOURNALING + (RE)SETTING: We will begin the session by going over the intentions of Omba. While we’re cutting and gluing and making a lovely mess, we’ll go over different techniques that can help you focus and alleviate the distractions that you might perceive to be obstacles. We’ll go over periodization journaling, “Sierpinksi’s Triangle,” and how to reset to allow more balance and openness into your life.
We’ll talk about all these things, but the focus will first and foremost be about recognizing the time you’ve given to yourself and the celebration of gathering… with bits and glue and stuffs.
Use this link to view the content of the workshop for Week 1: Collage Journaling and (Re)Setting.
Week 2
THE HEROINE’S JOURNEY + (RE)TELLING: We will start the session reviewing the material we discussed the prior week. We will have the option to share while continuing the creative work on our journals.
While we’re covered in paint and ink stains, we will also go over different frameworks like “The Heroine’s Journey” and Vision Boards to see if any of these mental models and frameworks resonate within you. You can add these systems and structures to help craft a meaningful life.
Use this link to view the content of the workshop for Week 2: The Heroine's Journey + (Re)Telling.
Week 3
IKIGAI AND (RE)CENTERING: We will continue the creative work on our journals while sharing different methods of meditation, mindfulness and focus.
We will also go over gratitude journaling and conceptual models like Ikigai to see if anything motivates and inspires you. We’ll take a creative approach to these methods using post-it-notes, glue, materials for collaging, pen and ink.
Use this link to view the content of the workshop for Week 3: Ikigai + (Re)Centering.
Week 4
COLLAGE JOURNALING + (RE)ITERATING: We will wrap up the 4 weeks by continuing the work on our journals. We will also go over User Centered Design and Wayfinding approaches that can be applied to (re)designing aspects of your life through problem-solving frameworks.
Lastly, and for those that are comfortable, we will share parts of our journals with each other.
Use this link to view the content of the workshop for Week 4: Collage Journaling + (Re)Iterating.